Adopted December 1, 2006 and revised 1, 12, 07
The faculty of the Department of Psychology endorses the following guidelines for our participation in Distance Education:
- Faculty participation in Distance Education shall be voluntary. Furthermore, non-tenured faculty not explicitly hired for the provision of Distance Education shall be protected from participation, unless they wish to participate.
- The chair shall advocate for the following at all off-campus facilities:
- Adequate, dedicated office space, storage space, and computer hardware and software, including Internet access
- Ready access to copying
- Ready access to clerical and technical support
- Access to research opportunities, including off-campus subject pools.
- The chair shall advocate for additional FTEs (full-time equivalents), as justified by the demand placed upon the Department for Distance Education.
- In developing job ads for faculty searches, the Department faculty shall determine whether (and how) Distance Education participation shall be articulated, unless University policy specifically precludes doing so.
- Information about the department’s Distance Education policy shall be made available to prospective applicants for faculty and staff positions.