Distance Education Guidelines


Adopted December 1, 2006 and revised 1, 12, 07 

The faculty of the Department of Psychology endorses the following guidelines for our participation in Distance Education: 

  1. Faculty participation in Distance Education shall be voluntary.  Furthermore, non-tenured faculty not explicitly hired for the provision of Distance Education shall be protected from participation, unless they wish to participate. 
  2. The chair shall advocate for the following at all off-campus facilities:
    1. Adequate, dedicated office space, storage space, and computer hardware and software, including Internet access
    2. Ready access to copying
    3. Ready access to clerical and technical support
    4. Access to research opportunities, including off-campus subject pools. 
  3. The chair shall advocate for additional FTEs (full-time equivalents), as justified by the demand placed upon the Department for Distance Education.  
  4. In developing job ads for faculty searches, the Department faculty shall determine whether (and how) Distance Education participation shall be articulated, unless University policy specifically precludes doing so. 
  5. Information about the department’s Distance Education policy shall be made available to prospective applicants for faculty and staff positions.